Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Yes, I am still here....

Yes, I have fallen off the wagon.... I have been so busy with work lately that watching what I have been eating has been literal - I watch myself eat EVERYTHING in site.  Ugh.  Exercise... what's that again?  I'm hoping to get in some walks now that it's getting nice outside.  Why can't losing weight be easier?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

its been awhile!!

I know its been awhile and YES I'm still working out everyday and journaling my food! My contest ended a couple weeks ago and I ended up losing 13 pounds for the contest. My partner lost 10 and as a team we lost 4.95%. We ended up tying with several others for 4th place, which didn't get us any money. Oh well it was really motivating to know I needed to get in the gym and workout and it helped me get in routine of getting up at 445 AM.
This morning I biked 5 miles and went on the ellpitcal for 20 minutes. It was a good workout. Once it gets lighter outside i will try and "jog" to the gym, workout and then have a nice cool down walk home!
I tried the HG choc chip softies, they only have 1 point and they are quite large. You can tell they are healthy when eating them, but the choc chips help :)